Welcome To the Space Coast PC Users Group Home!

Welcome to the Web Home of The Space Coast PC Users Group. We are a nonprofit organization of computer enthusiasts from amateurs to professionals.

All 2024 and 2025 meetings for the Space Coast PC User Group will be held on Saturdays from 12:00 noon to 3:00 PM  at the Merritt Island Library Carlton-Taylor Auditorium, 1195 North Courtenay Parkway, Merritt Island, FL 32953.

1st Saturday of the Month3rd Saturday of the Month5th Saturday of the Month
Learning CenterLearning CenterBusiness Meeting
December 7December 21
January 4January 18
February 1February 15
March 1March 15March 29
April 5April 19
May 3May 17May 31
June 7June 21
July 5July 19
August 2August 16August 30
September 6September 20
October 4October 18
November 1November 15November 29
December 6December 20

The purpose of The Space Coast PC Users Group (SCPCUG) is to provide support and education to users of computers and related devices. Our membership boasts a wide range of interests from beginners to professional users.

The SCPCUG is a Charter member of the Association of Personal Computer User Groups (APCUG). APCUG is dedicated to fostering communications between PC User Groups and the establishment of relationships between these groups and software publishers and hardware manufacturers.

For any questions, please reach out [email protected].